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About Basra University for Oil and Gas


    Basra University for Oil and Gas (BUOG) is the first Iraqi Public University that specializes in oil and gas industries as well as other energy fields; it has been established according to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Order No. (3/11) in (23-02-2014).

    This technical university currently has only one college- oil and gas college- which in return includes two departments: Chemical Engineering Department and Oil and Gas Engineering Department. BUOG adopted the Central Admission System, taking into consideration the current capacity of the university as well as the country need for qualified engineering staff in the field of Petroleum Industry (Both Extractive and Transformative Branches).

        The university relies on the courses system and the studying and instructing language is English. The curriculums were chosen in a way that corresponds with the internationally accredited methods. It looks forward to establish academic relations and cultural exchange with the international universities.

    The university is located in Basra for being the Economic Capital of Iraq where the Iraqi largest oil and Gas fields are located; as well as for its proximity to the sites of the International Oil Companies.

    The current location of the university is in Karmat Ali, whereas the constant location shall be in Qurna, north of Basra. The designs will be executed by one of the international companies.


Till now we have following Colleges:

1- College of Engineering for Oil and Gas.

2- Oil and Gas Industrial Management College

    The university seeks to bring outstanding qualified staff from Iraqi and International Universities. This scientific educational institute has decided specific vision, mission and objectives in a way that makes it a unique academic institute in Iraq and the region.

VISITOR NO. 5741588