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The college was established in 2017-2018 at BUOG as a petroleum industry and management specialized college; it comprises two departments:

  • Oil and Gas Management and Marketing Department

  • Oil and Gas Economics Department

Students of both branches (Biologic & Applied) are admitted at OGIMC.


The college seeks to be internationally and locally distinguished and eminent in the field of oil sector management by providing a unique educational system based on scientific and practical principles. It looks forward to achieve a mix of educational process which is in line with the international requirements. 


The college seeks to be a leading institute in the field of oil industry and to achieve high quality educational and research system. It aims to provide social services by graduating highly qualified students, especially in oil industry and management.


  1. Contributing to the scientific movement of oil industry through the preparation of qualified researchers who are able to produce scientific studies and projects and by holding seminars and periodic workshops to discuss the most important contemporary oil issues.

  2. Providing the oil companies (public or private) with a highly qualified and trained cadres.

  3. Improvement of educational curricula to meet the latest developments.

  4. To provide social support and services through the economic and administrative studies, oil management and training and rehabilitation programs.

  5. To enhance the scientific and cultural relations with other colleges and oil specialized institutes.


VISITOR NO. 5755123