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The Computer Center

    The center is directly related the Chancellor of the University, it is a department that shall support and provide all other departments, divisions and units of the university with the necessary information concerning installation and maintenance of computers; it also prepares specialized training courses.


Divisions: (I.T.- Network Maintenance- Technical Training- Administrative Affairs and Websites)




1-Providing Internet Services to the University and computers maintenance services.

2-Responsible for Electronic Archiving to save and protect all the official documents as well as the construction and maintenance of information database.

3-Responsible for website management including publishing the activities, news, announcements…. etc. of the university and colleges.

4-Arranging Computer Applications training courses and preparing advanced electronic systems and apply them in the university.

5-Responsible for the management of the Chancellery e-mail. 

6-Preparing special advanced e-library for the university.

 E-Mail: it@buog.edu.iq

VISITOR NO. 5755068