اختر اللغة   العربية English

البحوث المنجزة 2014 - 2015



اسم الباحث

عنوان البحث


الدكتور رعد زعلان حمود

Corrigendum to Gradient auto-tuned Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Forward control of a HVAC system using predicted mean vote index


الدكتور رعد زعلان حمود

Intelligent HVAC Control for High Energy Efficiency in Buildings


الدكتور رعد زعلان حمود

Smart plug prototype for monitoring electrical appliances in Home Energy Management System


4 المدرس المساعد ميثم عبد الحميد -  Future vision for the contribution of renewable energy in the global energy map up to 2035 / Proceedings of the eighth scientific conference of the Faculty of Management and Economics / University of Basrah (Iraq's energy sector vision of the present for the future) held during the period 15-16 / 4/2015
الزوار 5741886