اختر اللغة   العربية English

البحوث المنجزة 2015 - 2016


اسم الباحث

عنوان البحث


الدكتور رعد زعلان حمود

Modeling of Electric Water Heater and Air Conditioner for Residential Demand Response Strategy


الدكتور رعد زعلان حمود

Artificial neural network based controller for home energy management considering demand response events, conference on Advances of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering


الدكتور رعد زعلان حمود

Awareness on Energy Management in Residential Buildings: A Case Study in Kajang and Putrajaya


الدكتور رعد زعلان حمود

Hybrid LSAANN Based Home Energy Management Scheduling Controller for Residential Demand Response Strategy


حسين عليوي جفيت

Yamama Reservoir Characterization in the West Qurna oil field, Southern Iraq


حسين عليوي جفيت
م.د آمنة مال الله حنظل
حسان علي صبر

A comparison of burial, maturity and temperature histories of selected wells in southern Iraq

الزوار 5741743