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البحوث العلمية المنشورة 2022-2023-2024

Published date: 15 January, 2025

ت     أسم الباحث      عنوان البحث       أسم المجلة     التصنيف       تسلسل الباحث 
1 أ.د. محمد هليل حافظ  Processing of Hematite Ore by using Magnatizing Reduction Roasting
and Megnatic Separation
Salud, Ciencia y Technologia - Serie de
Q4 الثاني 
2 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود MHD double diffusive mixed convection and heat generation / absorption
in a lid- driven inclined wavy enclosure filled with a ferrofluid 
International Journal of  Thermofluids  Q1 السابع
3 أ.د. حسين علي خضر  Transfer  Learning - Based  Models for Comparative Evaluation of
 AI - Generated  Images 
Journal of Electrical systems  Q4 الثالث
4 أ.د. أحمد ناصح أحمد Initial  turbidity , PH, dosage of alum and paddles type optimization of efficiency
removal by using response surface methods (RSM)  
International Journal of  Applied Science and Engineering  Q2 الرابع 
5 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Surface water quality index forecasting using multivariate complementing approach  reinforced with locally weighted linear regression model Environmental Science and  pollution Research  Q1 العاشر 
6 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Observed and future shifts in Climate Zone of Borneo based on CMIP6 models  Journal of Environmental Management Q1 التاسع
7 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود  Optimal shifting of peak load in smart buildings using multiagent deep
clustering reinforcement learning in multi-tank chilled water systems 
Journal of Energy Storage Q1 الأول
8 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Cubic autocatalysis implementation in blood for non- Newtonian tetra hybrid nanofluid model through bounded artery  Applied Rheology Q3 الخامس
9 أ.م.د. عباس عبد الأمير جاسم  American Sign Language Translation from Deaf-Mute People Based on
Novel  System
Journal of engineering and technological Sciences Q2 الثالث
10 أ.م.د. محمد عبد الوهاب طاهر  Optimization and design of a new column sequencing for crude oil distillation
at Basrah refinery
Open Engineering Q2 الثالث
11 أ.م.د. محمد عبد الوهاب طاهر 
أ.م.د. فراس عبد الرسول هاشم
أ.م.د. نبيل كاظم عبود
Solubility  of  Lumiracoxib  in Supercritical carbon dioxide Scientific  reports  Q1 الثالث
12 أ.م.د. محمد عبد الوهاب طاهر 
أ.م.د. نبيل كاظم عبود
PH  and  Ionic liquids impacts on SiO2- nanoparticles for surface phenomena
modifications for heavy acidic crude oil 
Journal of petroleum Exploration and Production
Q1 الثاني
13 أ.م. حسين عليوي جفيت Evaluating  the Zubair reservoir ( Main Pay ) in Selected Wells of the Rumaila
Oilfield , Southern Iraq , using nuclear magnetic resonance logging and
petrophysical analysis data  
Carbonates and Evaporites Q3 الأول
14 أ.د. عماد حسن رضا  Engineering Site Inviestigation inside Basrah City , Southern Iraq
using Cross Seismic Refraction Technique ( A Case Study)
Iraqi Geological Journal Q3 الرابع
15 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Enhancing  Liquefied  Petroleum gas production through debutanizer column optimization Chemical Engineering Research  and Design Q2 الثالث
16 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود MHD mixed convection of nanofluid  flow Ag-Mgo / water in a
channel contain a rotational cylinder
International  Journal of  Thermofluids Q1 الرابع
17 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Hydrogen  energy systems : Technologies , trends , and future prospects Science of the Total Environment Q1 الثاني 
18 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود High -resolution remote sensing data-based urban heat island
study in Chongqing and changde City , China
Theoretical and Applied Climatology Q2 التاسع
19 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Review of PCM  charging in latent heat thermal energy storage
systems with fins
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress Q1 الخامس
20 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Thermodynamic modeling and performance analysis of photovoltaic-thermal collectors integrated with phase change
materials : Comprehensive energy and exergy analysis
Results in Engineering Q1 الرابع
21 م.د. علي داود سلمان Artificial  neural  network and  response surface methodology
for modeling  reverse osmosis process in wastewater treatment 
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry  Q1 الثاني 
22 م.د. مصطفى عباس عبود Optimal shifting of peak load in smart buildings using multiagent
deep clustering reinforcement learning in multi-tank chilled water  systems
Journal of Energy Storage Q1 التاسع
23 م.د. مصطفى عباس عبود Fast Learning Network Algorithm for Voice Pathology Detection
and Classification
Multimedia Tools and Applications Q1 الأول
24 م.م. معتز ساجد شرقي New Structures of Soft Permutation in Commutative Q-Algebras Iraqi  Journal For Computer Science and
Q2 الأول
25 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود A Systematic review of trustworthy artificial intelligence applications in natural disasters  Computers and Electrical Engineering Q1 السابع
26 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود A novel efficient energy optimization in smart urban builidings
based on optimal demand side management
Energy Strategy Reviews Q1 الخامس
27 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Fast Learning Network Algorithm for voice pathology Detection
and Classification
Multimedia Tools and Applications Q1 السادس
28 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Artificial Intelligence-based viscosity prediction of polyalphaolefin
-boron nitride nanofluids
International Journal of  Hydromechatronics Q1 السادس
29 أ.م.د. وهام أسهير لفته Impact of microplastics on soil ( physical and chemical ) properties
, soil biological properties / soil biota , and response of plants to it : a review  
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Q1 الخامس
30 أ.م.د. وهام أسهير لفته Computational modeling and statistical analysis of buckling characteristics of polysillicon reinforced fiber Materials Research Express Q2 الأول
31 أ.م.د. وهام أسهير لفته Chemical surface modification of pineapple leaf fiber for polymer
composites applications: Comparative study
Polymers and Polymer Composites Q2 الأول
32 م.م. معتز ساجد شرقي On Premutation Rho-Transitive in premutation Rho- Algebra Iraqi Journal of Science Q3 الأول
33 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود A Computational search for the optimal microelectronic heat sink using
ANSYS  Icepak
International Journal of Thermofluids Q1 الخامس
34 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Enhancing the thermal performance of an agricultural solar greenhouse
by geothermal energy using an earth-air heat exchanger system : A review
Geothermics Q1 السابع
35 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود A comprehensive review of deep learning power in steady - state
visual evoked potentials
Neural Computing and Applications Q1 الثامن
36 م.د. علي كاظم صدام  Review  of  Strategic Human Resource Management Practices in Iraq
 Oil & Gas Industry and  their  Impacts on Firm Performance  
Social  Science Journal  Q1 الأول 
37 أ.د. محمد هليل حافظ  Comparison  of the Effect  of Catalysts Salivary Alpha Amylase and Salivary
Amino Acids for Production Nanoparticles Copper Powder By Electrodeposition Method of One - Humped Camel ( Camelus Dromedarius)
Library Progress International Q4 الثالث
38 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Recent advances in the application of nanoparticle-based  strategies
for water remediation as a novel clean technology -A Comprehensive review 
Materials Today Chemistry Q1 الخامس عشر 
39 م.د. مروة أبراهيم زيد  International Motivations of Women in the Middle East  International Studies in Entrepreneurship Q3 الثاني
40 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Al2O3-CU Hybrid nanofluid flow and heat transfer characteritics in the duct
with various triangular rib configurations 
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Q1  الثاني
41 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود  Impact of dispersion - shifted fiber on Optical communication link through
orthogonal channels
Optik Q1 السادس 
42 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Hybrid nanocomposites impact on heat transfer efficiency and pressure drop in turbulent flow systems: application of numerical and machine learning insights Scientific reports Q1 الثالث
43 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Unlocking optimal preformance and flow level control of three - phase separator based on reinforcement learning : A Case Study in Basra refinery  Thermal Science and Engineering Progress Q1 الثالث
44 م.د. ليال فاضل شاوي Determining the geomechanical units using rock physics methods Petroleum Research Q1 الاول
45                أ.د.  رعد زعلان حمود Effect of novel fin distribution on the melting process
of  thermal  storage units 
Applied Thermal Engineering  Q1    الخامس
46                أ.د.  رعد زعلان حمود Influence of tree-shaped fins to enhance thermal
  storage units 
International Communication
in heat and mass transfer 
Q1    الخامس
47                أ.د.  رعد زعلان حمود Enhanced adsorption of phenol using graphene
oxide-bentonite nanocomposite : synthesis , characterisation and optimisation . 
Journal of molecular liquids  Q1 الخامس
48                أ.د.  رعد زعلان حمود deep learning and tree - based models for earth skin
temperature  forecasting  in Malaysian environments
Applied  Soft Computing   Q1  الثالث 
49                أ.د.  رعد زعلان حمود heavy metal  prediction in coastal marine sediment
using  hybridized  machine learning models  with
metaheuristic optimization algorithm . 
Chemosphere Q1  الثالث 
50                أ.د.  رعد زعلان حمود Online sequential extreme learning  machine  approach
for breast cancer diagnosis 
Neural Computing and Applications Q1 الاول مكرر
51                أ.د.  رعد زعلان حمود data driven insight for parabolic trough solar collectors :
Artificial intelligence-based energy and exergy performance
analysis .
Journal of Cleaner production  Q1 الثالث
52                أ.د.  رعد زعلان حمود A critical review on phase change materials (PCM) Based heat
exchnger : Different hybrid techniques for the enhancement . 
Journal of energy storage  Q1 السابع
53                أ.د.  رعد زعلان حمود Deep clustering of reinforcement learning based on the bang-bang
principle to optimize the energy in multi -boiler for intelligent  buildings .
Applied  Energy Q1 الأول
54                أ.د.  رعد زعلان حمود Quantifying the impacts of climate and land cover changes on the
hydrological regime of a complex dam catchment area .
Sustainability  Q1 السابع
55            أ.د. أحمد ناصح أحمد حمدان  Integrated fuzzy logic and multicriteria decision model methods
for selecting suitable sites for wastewater treatment plant : A Case
study in the center of basrah , Iraq . 
Open Engineering Q2 الثاني 
56            أ.د. أحمد ناصح أحمد حمدان  Hydraulic model for flood inundation in Diyala River basin
using  HEC-RAS , PMP and neural network .
Open Engineering Q2 الثاني 
57 م.د. ميساء نوري شهاب  Studying the Statistical and petrophysical of the Mishrif  Formation
in the Nasiriya Oilfield , Southern Iraq .
Iraqi Geological Journal  Q3 الثاني 
58 م.د. ياسر عبدالله عباس  The impact of responsible investment on the operating
 performance of asian large companies .
International  development planning
Q2 الأول
59 م.د. مصطفى عباس عبود facial emotion images recognition based on binarized genetic
 algorithm-random forest
Baghdad Science Journal Q2 الثامن
60 م.د. مصطفى عباس عبود Online sequential extreme learning  machine  approach
for breast cancer diagnosis 
Neural Computing and Applications Q1 الأول
61 م.د. علي داوود سلمان Defining the Optimal condition using  FFNNs  and NARX neural
 networks for modeling the extraction of Sc from aqueous solution
by Cryptand -2.2.1 and Cryptand -2.1.1
Heliyon Q1 الأول
62 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود parkinson's disease diagnosis by voice data using particle swarm optimization _ extreme learning machine approach  Multimedia Tools and Applications Q1 الرابع
63 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Computational  analysis of turbulent flow characteristics in nanofluids
containing 1-D and 2-D carbon nanomaterials : grid optimization and performance evaluation
Engineering Applications of Computational
Fluid Mechanics
Q1 الثالث
64 أ.د. رعد زعلان حمود Heat  transfer  enhancement of phase change materials using letters - shaped  International Communications in Heat and
Mass Transfer
Q1 السابع
65 أ.م.د. حسين عليوي جفيت
م.م. حسين يوسف علي 
predicting  permability of the Mishrif Reservoir for Non-Cored Wells by
Integrating Conventional Well Logs , Routine Core Analysis , and Drilling
 Data : A Case of Southeastern Iraq

Iraqi Geological Journal Q3 الثاني
66 م.م. قيصر رحيم عبد الزهرة  Synthesis , Characterization, Bioactivity Evaluation , and POM/DFT/Docking Analysis of Novel Thiazolidine Derivatives as potent Anticancer and Antifungal Agents ChemistrySelect  Q3 الثاني
67 م.م. ميثم عبد الحميد Macroeconomic Impacts of Oil Price Shocks : Evidence from Iraq by Using
Vector Autoregressive Model
International Journal of Energy Economics
and Policy
Q1 الأول
الزوار 5756340